Friday, December 7, 2007

Happy Birthday Melissa!

I couldn't ask for a better sister. I am so grateful to God for you! I will always be thankful for having my best friend with me all the time, for the way you make me laugh, for the joy that you beam with every day, and for the example you set of a young woman who trusts in the Lord. This past year I have really seen your faith become your own. You take your quiettimes very seriously and long to talk about what the Lord is doing in you life. Your contentment in him and trust in him for the future have been such a testimony to me. And thanks for being Mommy WarBucks to me, the poor college student!
You have been extremely generous to me in "lending" me money. Also, you have done such a good job of adjusting to a full time job. You are so good at being a secretary. Thank you for working so hard for our pastors! My favorite times with you are definitely before we go to sleep at night, when we end up talking to late, or get too giddy! Forgive me for all the times I didn't want you to copy me. Now, I count it as an honor!
Mel...thank you for bearing all of our's only to show how much we love you :) I love you so much Mel and couldn't ask for a more precious, dear, beautiful, loving, joyful Sis! Happy 19th Birthday!
Here's a sign Josiah and I made late last night after we finished our home work...did I say finished? Anyway, we had a blast doing it with crayons and markers that didn't work very well!


natebauers said...

Dear M-Dale the cutie,
Love you so much, hope you have a wonderful Birthday. Love,

Camille Ellise said...

ok, so you probly don't have a clue who I am, but Melissa, who doesn't like Hannah Montanna? Happy Birthday!

Camille E. ( from Georgia)

P.S. I do mother's helper for the Stewarts.

Anonymous said...


Happy Birthday! It has been a long long time since we talked. You may not even remember me. William from Trinity. I got to your families blog through other friends. It sounds like you are faithfully following Christ. I am at the University of Michigan studying Business. Anyway, happy birthday and maybe one day we will see each other again.

your friend from Trinity,

Sara said...

Happy birthday Mel. So sorry I forgot to call you. We love and miss you so much and can't wait until two more weeks until you all get here!! Love, Aaron, Sara and kids!

Kate Van said...

Aw mellie- happy birthday! we love you tons and i'm looking forward to spending more time with you over Christmas!!!

Bekah said...

Happy Birthday Mel! I miss working with you and just seeing you guys! Love you!


jess said...

Happy Birthday Mel! I miss all the birthdays. I can barely remember how old I am...32? I hope your day was wonderful and I always think of the fun we had together. I love you dear Mel and can't believe you are 19. Happy Birhtday.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Melissa! I just found your blog, Maggie, and it's really cute. You guys look like you have alot of fun together!

Lish said...

Happy Birthday Sweet Melissa! I'm sorry I missed your B-Day! I knew you were a December Baby, there are just so many to remeber anymore. I hope your day was very special. Let's take a quick walk down memory lane, shall we?! I remember when you were little like it was yesterday. You were so sweet and precious. You were my little "Webbie" remember? I have so many memories of you, Mag, and I swimming and doing cheerleading stunts in the pool. Always playing dress-up with you and Mag and curling your hair. I think a couple of times I burnt you!? Even though there was a big age difference, you and Mag were my dear friend! I think one of my fondest memories is us holding pinkies and sucking our thumbs when I would sleep with you! Do you remember that? I think I was in Junior High, still sucking my thumb. OH MY GOODNESS! Anyway, to see now the godly woman you have turned into is amazing! I love you so much Meliss and hope your birhtday was as special as you!

Lish said...

Meliss, After I wrote my comment I watched the video of your Birtday Poster. Did I hear you watch Hannah Montana??? Don't be ashmed....I do too! LOVE IT, lOVE IT! Go Hannah!

The Smith Family said...

Thank you all so much for your sweet birthday wishes.I am so grateful for all of you and a so blessed that the Lord has put you all in my life.
Just for the record,I don't watch Hannah Montana. It is the worst show in the whole wide world. That girl annoys me so much I could... well enough said. Love to all,

Jane said...

Mel fess up, that's your idol...
Remember you told me??
Hee-hee... Im kiddin, who else could get your goat but good ol A.Fran??
I never have seen that, nor do i know who it is!!! You are so precious Mel, and to think you are now 19 wow!!!!!
Well i have many memories, but i don't think you would call them that. Me snoring, gritting my teeth, or lord knows what else i could have done..Toot-toot....
Hey don't tell anyone if thats the case!!!!
My fav of you was alway's wanting to PLEASE fold cloth's!!!!! How sweet of you to help out Mom...(TV)
inside joke everyone...
I must admit i did'nt like to so that was so ok with me....
Member pushing down legs??
You alway's had such a giving spirit, and so quick to help out, or cook...
I love you so much Mel, and will alway's treasure all the time i had to spend with you!!!
Hey did u ever try to drive my stick? Or was that Mag?? I know who ever, we laughed until i think we may have Wet but just a little in our pants.....
Happt B-lated Birthday sweetie, and look so forward to time with you soon

Jackie Korday said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jackie Korday said...

Sorry Mel, I didn't really want to deleted my first comment...well, here we go again. I decided that It was my turn to wish you a very HAPPY 19th BIRTHDAY!!! I love you sooooo much and am so blessed to call you my dear friend. You are a blast to hang out with and to laugh with Mel. We can get pretty dorky together...PROC, dancing to the beattles, talking in our english accents as we walk through the mall, eating pretzels at 1 in the morning as we talk and giggle in the dark, singing the national anthem in our drivers ed class and so many more fun memories. I love the times that you and I have to just chill and talk about how the Lord has been at work in our lives. I always feel refreshed after spending time with you. Thanks for all the times, especially lately, that you have quietly listened to my struggles and thoughts and have humbly directed my ever wondering gaze back to the foot of the cross. I love you Bonk and hope you had a wonderful b-day. Love always, Jappy

Anonymous said...

Kinda funny.. I did a search for your family and this blog popped up! Oh yea, this is Lindsay Smalley! Its so nice to be able see pictures and read whats been going on in the lives of some of my oldest and dearest friends. =) Drop me an email sometime.