Friday, November 23, 2007


This Thanksgiving we had 24 people for dinner. Here are some pictures from the day.
In the morning I made little name cards for the tables...they're made out of construction paper, glue gun, markers, and colorful leaves I found in the yard.

The Food....way more than we could eat!

Every Thanksgiving we have a tradition for clean up. All of the kids are in charge of doing the chores...dishes, tables, food, sweeping etc. We had 17 kids to help this year! We put all of the chores into a bowl and then each person draws their fate! The catch is that two people will draw a piece of paper that says "Take a Nap." They don't have to do any chores! The past two years Jordan drew this piece of paper... he wasn't here however this year. The lucky winners the video!


Sara said...

That was cute! The tables looked so good and cozy. I'm sure the food was yummy. It felt totally weird not being together for the holidays. Miss you all. Love you so much, Sara

Billie said...

You girls did such a great job. Hopefully you can help me again in the decorating when you come down. I do not have sound on my computer for U-Tube so when you come down I will have to watch the video on yours. love you and I will call you tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Looks like you guys had a great Thanksgiving!!! Chels and Mel, you guys rigged the chores for sure...HEHE We missed you all, but it was so fun to have Jord and Clay with us in Ohio. It's a good thing your family is crazy too. The boys fit right in to ours!!! Can't wait to see you. Aunt Jen, you better have saved some yummy thanksgiving leftovers for us, just kidding. Love you Jap

Jane said...

I know i missed out,but don't think i didnt have V.B. and all the people in my heart and mind!!
I love you all so much and look so forward to spending holidays with you all again someday!!
Love you, Mag how ru???

Reaghan said...

i have to agree with with Jacquelyn!! haha chels and mel rigged it!! haha jk
it looks like you guys had a blast!

Jane said...

Hey Mag,
U goin to post any pics of your games?
I sure would love to see you in action, and i have not heard anything from you Girl!!!!
I sure miss all of you:(
Keep in touch ok?
Love you A.Fran