Thursday, December 20, 2007

We won't be "home for Christmas"...

...because we are heading to Atlanta tomorrow morning, but we still decorated!

This past Monday we had our FASTSIGNS Christmas Party. Mom worked so hard on all the delicious food! The party was pretty much a family gathering :)

Cute Couple!

Jap and Mel

They love their Boss...he is the best boss in the world!

Andy and Dad

Joey and Clay

The Bones came over later to hang out!
What studs...Wahoo!

ATL folks don't be worried...we didn't eat all the goodies at the party. Mom and I made some more to bring so we're all stocked up. Billie the sugar cookies are on the way :) We can't wait to see all of our family in Atlanta! We are also excited to get to go down with the Dowling Family, Charity and Beau and Debra too. Merry Christmas to everyone in VA. We will be back soon!


Jane said...

My sweet Mag,
Thanks so much for the post! Gosh to only be with all of you:(....
Well that would be a :) face..
I loved being able to chat the other day, and PLEASE call me...
Any type of up-date for Eagle watch/ears, is all i need..LOL
You all have a MERRY CHRISTMAS, and please tell Bauers the same..
Give my little Rachel a big hug and kiss, and tell her to please tell "SIMON" i'm good... and His Pa better be nice to him.. She will know what all this means...
Miss you all bunches!!!!