Monday, March 17, 2008

Basketball and Bridal Shower

The ODAC Tournament didn't end so well for us Marlins. We lost by one point in the championship game. We still had a blast that weekend and are proud of our 22-6 record. Here are some pictures from the tournament weekend.

This was at our awards banquet the day we arrived in Salem.

Me with my Coaches

In the Locker Room

Chelsey, our star point-guard, with a battle wound

This was my cheering squad...minus Mom, Dad and Debra. On the trip we bought nerf guns to have wars in the hotel. Thanks so much for coming guys!

Although we lost, I had one of my best games of the season. Here is one of my three pointers.

Coach Payne (Sally) and Me

Pretty disappointing... one little point : (

Crazy Girls on the Ride Home

Two weeks ago we had Katie's Bridal Shower at our house
Mel, Mom and I made more sugar cookies...this time in yellow

We got a new painting for the fire place...Mom and I usually use parties as our chance (or excuse) to update the decorations at home :)

The Bride-to-be with a cook book

Sorry I have been so behind! The last two weeks were so crazy with school but now I am on spring break! Wahoo!!!! We can't wait for all the fam to get here for the big wedding...12 days away!


jess said...

Hello Mag and family,
I love the post and can't believe Katie is getting married! I am so excited to come and be there with you all. Home Sweet Home! Let's stay up all night Friday and Saturday...wait I'm up all night anyway,so it is no big deal for me hahahahahaha. Get lot's of coffee and be prepared to chat. I am so excited and I love you all so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!It feels like a dream...Smith's Bauers, Vaughts,Armocks, Dowlings, VanRyckeghem's Smith's Hughes, Kordays, Johns,Payne's Charity,Josh,Radliffs, Kamraths,Tacia's,Stewarts, Anderson's,and last, but not least SOVEREIGN GRACE!!!!!!! We will all be together!God is Awesome!

Sara said...

THANK you so much for finally updating the pics! I am getting more and more excited everyday about coming. I can't wait to just hang at the smith house!! The kids are SO excited!! Love you guys and see ya soon!!


natebauers said...

Wahooo! thanks for the update maggers! Miss you, but only 9 days!!! Wipee!